Sosialisasi Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA), Beasiswa mobilitas internasional yang diberikan oleh Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Beasiswa ini mendanai mahasiswa Indonesia untuk program mobilitas di universitas dan industri terkemuka di luar negeri sebagai bagian dari Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM). Bagi kalian yang penasaran dan ingin mengulik lebih lanjut...
DARMASISWA is a scholarship program offered to all foreign students from countries which have diplomatic relationship with Indonesia to study Indonesian language (Bahasa Indonesia), art and culture in 54 universities in 2015. This program was established in 1974 as part of ASEAN initiative, admitting only students from ASEAN. However, in...
Nama : Dewi Comala Sari, S.E., M.Si. NIP : 198308102009122004 Jabatan : Ketua Kantor Urusan Internasional Email ...
Vision To be an excellent center of international affairs supporting Polmed in achieving a global reputation as an outstanding vocational higher education institution Mision To achieve this vision, the Office of International Affairs defines and implements some missions: [1]. to encourage the initiation and implementation of activities within the unit to increase the global rank of...
Office of International Affairs at Politeknik Negeri Medan was established in 2021. As Polmed aspires to be an outstanding vocational higher education institution with a global reputation. Office of International Affairs plays a leading role in realizing this key objective. OIA is responsible for coordinating international activities within the polytechnic,...