Darmasiswa RI

Darmasiswa RI

DARMASISWA is a scholarship program offered to all foreign students from countries which have diplomatic relationship with Indonesia to study Indonesian language (Bahasa Indonesia), art and culture in 54 universities in 2015. This program was established in 1974 as part of ASEAN initiative, admitting only students from ASEAN. However, in 1976 this program was extended further to other countries. Until to date, the number of countries participating in this program is more than 111 countries and organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC), Republic of Indonesia. POLMED has run this program since 2017. Besides offering Bahasa Indonesia
lessons, our program also offers Indonesian arts, music, culture and crafts.

The main purpose of DARMASISWA program is to promote and increase the interest in the language, art and culture of Indonesia among youth of other countries. It has also been designed to provide stronger cultural links and understanding among participating countries.

DRI Polmed Program has the following objectives:

  1. To promote, enhance and strengthen the interest of young people from various countries to
    learn Bahasa Indonesia, arts and culture. Further, it develops understanding and strengthen
    cooperation with various countries that have diplomatic relations with Indonesia,
  2. To increase tolerance and mutual respect for language, culture and art from other countries, and
  3. To develop insights and skills from various Indonesian cultures and arts.

Students of Darmasiswa POLMED

POLITEKNIK NEGERI MEDAN has varieties 6 departments and 17 study programs  (website: polmed.ac.id) with over 6,000 students will give foreign students an opportunity to practice Indonesian Language with the local students out of the regular formal class of Indonesian Language. This will accelerate foreign students learning process during their study at Politeknik Negei Medan, from a country that has diplomatic relations with Indonesia, possess
a high commitment to learning and adhere to the applicable regulations in Indonesia and the
universities where they study. Polmed offers students extra curricular activities such as in arts and culture (learning local dances), self defense, sports and choir.


Generally, Darmasiswa students arrival is in the beginning of September. The Planning and Cooperation of
Foreign Affairs/BPKLN then provides students orientation about academic and Indonesian culture in
general. This program normally is carried out for two days before the students start their studies at
their institutions.

POLMED Student Orientation

POLMED provides students orientation for five days:

Day 1: meeting with the Director, and Vice Directors of POLMED

Day 2-5: introduction to campus, introduction to city of Medan and finding accommodation/residence for students


Semester 1

1Menyimak 1 (Listening)42
2Berbicara 1 (Speaking)42
3Membaca 1 (Reading)42
4Menulis (Report Writing)42
5Cultural Learning (Introduction to Indonesian Cultures, Local Dances, Singing)42
6Outings (Field Trips)42

Semester 2

1Menyimak (Listening)42
2Berbicara (Speaking)42
3Membaca (Reading)42
4Menulis/Penelitian (Writing : Research Report Writing)42
5Cultural Learning  (Introduction to Indonesian Cultures, local dances, singing)42
6Outings (Field Trip)

Lectures begin in the second week of September and end in June (a total of 10 months). At the
beginning of the lecture students will get complete information about:

  1. Polmed Darmasiswa Curriculum
  2. Polmed Academic Calendar
  3. Academic schedule of semester one and two
  4. Syllabus and RPS Polmed
  5. General rules of Polmed Darmasiswa students
  6. Student achievement test



Tahun AkademikNama MahasiswaAsal NegaraNo. PasporLevelDurasi Program
2017-2018Dostoni OblonazarTajikistan400926021A1 & A210 Bulan
2018-2019Amani JambiSaudi ArabiaT574318A1 & A210 Bulan
2018-2019Amadou KaSenegalA02226812A1 & A210 Bulan
2018-2019Jessye RasoanirinaMadagascarA16X46176A1 & A210 Bulan

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